Sep 11, 2007

DTI's Adobe platform wins over Scottish Provincial Press Group

Digital Technology International (DTI) has completed a "half million-pound" deal to deploy its Adobe InDesign-enabled software portfolio with ex-Quark user Scottish Provincial Press Group (SPPG).

The publishing software firm began installing its NewsSpeed, AdSpeed and PlanSpeed products across the regional publisher's 15 newspapers, which include The Inverness Courier and The Northern Times, in January 2006.

SPPG will now use NewsSpeed, comprising SpeedWriter, PageSpeed and WireSpeed, to create a unified system for editorial information. Its ad delivery will be controlled electronically through AdSpeed, while PlanSpeed will link the system, which supports 100-plus users, via a central database.

SPPG project manager Jules Marchant told that it was the advent of OS X and a perceived lack of compatibility that motivated the move to InDesign and DTI products.

"With the release of OS X, Quark didn't make a move to redesign their product. Most people chose InDesign over Quark.

While it was too early to estimate the financial benefits, Marchant said that "before, we were trying to support a very old product that was way past its sell-by date", and that the new system was "more reliable".

Marchant added that DTI's "professionalism and customer service" helped clinch the deal.
Source: printweek

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