Sep 5, 2007

CPI to drive digital print market with Kodak agency

Two of the industry’s major suppliers inked the agreement yesterday (Wed 5 Sept) to herald a new phase of activity for the NexPress colour presses. CPI and Kodak have joined forces to present a new front in the push to penetrate the digital printing market.

Initially the agreement is confined to the flagship NexPress, but according to Nick Notaras, managing director, Kodak Graphic Communications Group ANZ, discussions concerning the black and white Digimaster engines are well advanced and should be complete this year.

The move has the potential to dramatically increase the number of Kodak digital engines in the region. According to Notaras on current plans and before CPI gets engaged, there will be over 20 machines in Australia and New Zealand by the end of the year.

One of the driving motives behind the move is CPI’s access to its large customer base of printers working with Komori presses. It has also had good success in the digital arena with its Morgana print finishing equipment. The new agency will enable the company to offer printers a complementary digital solution.

“We don’t see it as an ‘either or’ situation. Many printers have digital and offset presses working side by side in a hybrid solution,” said Notaras.

Training for CPI staff in the new technology will begin immediately at the Kodak showroom in Melbourne. Full service and back-up will continue to be provided by Kodak personnel.

“We’re quite excited about the agency. We’ve had a close working relationship with Kodak who have one of our Morgana machines in their showroom. I’m looking forward to the new agency,” said David Bull, director CPI.
Source: print21online

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