Oct 12, 2007

Instone launches compostable packaging business

Packagers The Instone Group has launched a subsidiary which will develop compostable packaging for the meat and produce markets.

The division, named New Ice, has been operating in 'stealth mode' for several years and is months away from introducing a new range of biodegradable containers, Instone says.

New Ice has applied for process patents covering its potato starch formulation which will replace plastic and Styrofoam food container products, New Ice's founder Giles Instone says.

"We have spent the last six years researching and developing a new class of product that will revolutionise the entire life cycle for compostable food containers," he says.

"We've conceived an approach using a new process that will give food packagers an opportunity to be environmentally responsible, while protecting the quality of the food products that they sell."
Source: packaging-technology

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