At an October 2007 conference called Proof: Market Research and Strategy Development for Package Design from the Institute for International Research (www.iirusa.com), Patrick Hanlon, founder and CEO of Thinktopia (www.thinktopia.com), outlined packaging factors that brand stewards can follow to make their brands believable.
All belief systems tell a story; create one for your brand.
Belief systems begin with core principles. Packaging is the perfect vehicle for laying out your brand's creed.
The vitality of a belief system stems from repeated interactions-rituals-between a brand and its believers. In this scenario, packaging becomes a crucial touchpoint.
"Icons" are effective tools for concentrations of meaning that capsulize your brand. They can leap off a package using any of the senses, such as with Pom Wonderful.
Sacred words—special vocabularies with precious meanings—define those who believe in your brand. Packaging presents a sound billboard for presenting them.
By understanding those who don't believe in your brand, you get a clear sense of those who do, helping you to build an architecture around your brand.
Designate a leader.
All belief systems tell a story; create one for your brand.
Belief systems begin with core principles. Packaging is the perfect vehicle for laying out your brand's creed.
The vitality of a belief system stems from repeated interactions-rituals-between a brand and its believers. In this scenario, packaging becomes a crucial touchpoint.
"Icons" are effective tools for concentrations of meaning that capsulize your brand. They can leap off a package using any of the senses, such as with Pom Wonderful.
Sacred words—special vocabularies with precious meanings—define those who believe in your brand. Packaging presents a sound billboard for presenting them.
By understanding those who don't believe in your brand, you get a clear sense of those who do, helping you to build an architecture around your brand.
Designate a leader.
Source: packworld
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